Sunday, March 20, 2011

Shrinking Sleeves

We got Tommy and Andy's spring school pictures back two weeks ago.  Of course, nobody would know that seeing that I have yet to cut them apart and hand them out, just like Mike's spring pictures, this year's Christmas pictures, everyone's fall pictures, last year's baseball, spring, and fall pictures.  Oh, so I guess that makes two years worth. I say if you really want to see the boys, then come over.  

Looking closely at the pics, I notice two things:  Tommy's long, full-length sleeves might as well be 3/4 sleeves and Andy's shoes could probably fit one of his older brothers.  I suppose that's what I get for remembering at midnight, the night before pictures, trying to ransack their dressers for something clean that matches.  As I folded up and put away laundry, it dawned on me that a lot of Tommy's clothes don't fit anymore.  He might as well be wearing little girl skinny jeans and capri's.  He has more freckles on his cheeks and his teeth are definitely beginning to look like dollar signs to any orthodontist.  This year, he graduated to another stripe on the bottom of his socks.  

Fact is, Tommy's sleeves shrink a little everyday and I don't even notice.  It makes me wonder how many of us have dressed our lives in such a way that the seams pull and twist the fabric out of shape.  How we do, in deed, continue to costume ourselves and our lives in outfits that quite simply don't fit.  

Well, Tommy...don't shrink those sleeves too fast.  Your bigger brother needs to hit another growth spurt before you can be the new owner of a pre-enjoyed wardrobe.  Someday, we'll find something that fits you and maybe you can show me what I should be wearing.